If you suffer from a chronic disease or disorder but have tried every kind of over-the-counter or prescribed medicine and nothing seems to work, you aren’t alone. Many Australians face the prospect of living with a disease that medications as they are currently available, just won’t alleviate. This is partly because some drugs or medications recommended by Australia’s pharmaceutical watchdog, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, are not usually available via your usual pharmacy or chemist. This is due to many reasons: Some medications are not sold due to a perceived “small market” – for example, Boric Acid Pessaries are recommended for treating vaginal thrush, but is not usually available to consumers. Pharmaceutical companies have discontinued other types of medication citing to poor sales. A common misconception about discontinued drugs is they are no longer safe or effective. For example, Migraine medication Cafergot is still a safe and effective treatment. It was simply deemed commercially unviable for production by the manufacturer. Due to regulations and other factors, medications are not marketed in Australia but are available overseas. Drugs such as Clobetasol and Tacrolimus are used for severe eczema and other skin disorders fall under this category.


The eCompounding Chemist, as a licensed and qualified pharmacist, can order and prepare these medications for you in your preferred dosage form. In conjunction with your prescriptions and general health plan, the eCompounding Chemist can formulate a solution with drugs and medications not usually available or hard to find. If you have tried everything prescribed and still feel unwell, the eCompounding Chemist goes beyond what is commercially available.

To find out how the eCompounding Chemist can help you, contact us here for a consultation.


Though it’s easy to begrudge big pharmaceutical companies for trying to turn a profit any way possible, it’s sometimes bad sense to manufacture certain drugs or vitamins in unusual doses. Preparations of Vitamin D usually comes in doses of 1000IU (International Units.) This is due to Vitamin D’s poor shelf life. Through compounding, you can benefit from a “bolus” or “super” dose of Vitamin D (over 100,000IU) taken every three months instead of once per day. Other times, medications by themselves are not as effective unless combined with drug or medicine in a different form, such as nasal sprays or topical creams. Often, they may be available in one form (i.e., orally) but not in others (i.e., topically as a pessary). For some patients, swallowing orally-administered anti-nausea medication is unsuitable, to say the least. With compounding, the same medication is made available in a different, more convenient form with a dosage that suits your needs.


Contact the eCompounding Chemist and discover how compounding can strike the right balance and get the right kind of medications to work for you.