Why Is Vitamin D Deficiency More Common in Australia?

Why Is Vitamin D Deficiency More Common in Australia?

Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in Australia and New Zealand due to several factors which we will present further in this article. It may come as a surprise that Australians are suffering from low levels of vitamin D with so much sunshine all year round, but sun...
What Happens If Your Thyroid Is Low?

What Happens If Your Thyroid Is Low?

A low thyroid, or hypothyroidism, occurs when your thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones to upkeep the regular function of your body. The thyroid is a small gland that sits at the front of the neck, and it’s responsible for providing energy to almost all the organs...
What Causes Low Vitamin D?

What Causes Low Vitamin D?

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, helps your body maintain bone health, protect itself from certain diseases and conditions and have a healthy development. The natural way of getting vitamin D in your body is by getting enough exposure to the sun, as your...
What Blocks the Absorption of Vitamin D?

What Blocks the Absorption of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is essential for our health, as it helps our body fight infections, absorb calcium for strong, healthy bones, and maintain the health of muscles and the nervous system. Unfortunately, many people suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, as they don’t get enough...
What Are The Symptoms Of Thyroid Problems In Females?

What Are The Symptoms Of Thyroid Problems In Females?

The thyroid gland is a small organ located in the front of the neck and wrapped around the trachea. It’s responsible for making hormones that help control a lot of different essential functions of the human body. If the thyroid doesn’t work properly, this can lead to...
What Are The Symptoms Of Low Vitamin D?

What Are The Symptoms Of Low Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a very important vitamin your body needs. Unlike other vitamins, it seems that Vitamin D acts more like a hormone, made by your body when you expose it to sunlight. It can also be found in certain foods, such as dairy products or fatty fish, although...